Individuals and Families

At CCN we embrace each client’s unique situation and work to get to know you as an individual. Our care recommendations and program are based on your specific needs with the ultimate priority and goal of helping you achieve and live the best quality of life possible. While the list below will give you a sense of our breadth and depth of our service capabilities, the true differentiator of working with a CCN catastrophic care professional is that we not only have the experience but also the national network to source and find the expertise needed no matter the situation. We are here to lift the burden, make life a little less stressful, lend our expertise and ultimately bring solutions as you navigate unchartered territory. 

Be sure to read more about Catastrophic Care management, our approach, process, and the areas in which we support our clients under “What is Catastrophic Care?”



Quality of Life Evaluation

An individualized look at how to help our clients achieve the best quality of life given their current and ongoing health situation. We map a plan and provide guidance on the recommended resources, equipment, living accommodations, financial, and legal support needed to achieve our client’s goals.


Legal & Trustee Cost Analysis

We understand that having to navigate the medical side of a traumatic health injury or illness is stressful enough. However, more often than not, these events require heavy legal and financial attention as well. We work with your legal and financial team to ensure you are properly thinking about and planning for your current, future, and estate planning needs in a smart way. Whether it is insurance, trusts, estate planning, budgeting, or any other issue, we will make sure nothing slips through the cracks as you focus on taking care of yourself.


Home & Transportation Modifications

A catastrophic event can force you to need to modify the way you live. We work with professionals in real estate, construction, durable medical equipment, and vehicles/transportation who are experienced adapting and modifying homes and vehicles to accommodate special needs.


Therapeutic & Specialist Coordination

Many times special therapeutics or care is recommended as you continue your journey to wellness. We work directly with your medical team to help source and set up any special care you may need. From the expected home health therapies to support that may be a little more unique, we are dedicated to helping you find the professionals needed so you can achieve your best quality of life.


Transition and Long-Term Case Management

As our clients age or move through various stages of their health journey, we know their care needs evolve as well. We help provide our clients with the housing, social, and transportation needs for their current and future situation.

Additional Services to Support Individuals and Families

Medical and Disability Case Management

Life Care Planning & Legal Nurse Consulting

Special Needs Trusts, Estate Planning, Wills & Advanced Directives

Critical Care & Rehabilitation Management

Navigation of Insurance & Government Benefits


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